Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Number Book


I have been enjoying reading the Math book written by Melissa from A Journey Through Waldorf Homeschooling. At the very beginning she starts by sharing riddles that help to introduce the numbers. My little guy doesn't like to draw so I thought I would make him a number book using the riddles from the math book. Here are the pictures I have done so far. I have been having fun trying out my pastel chalks that I received for my birthday. They add a different texture to the picture. After each number is done I have been placing them in sheet protectors and then I'm going to put them in a binder so he will have his own number book. I'm hoping that as he sees me doing these drawing that it will inspire him to want to make some of his own. : )

We'll see. 148


Doesn't she seem surprised : ) The riddle from Melissa's book talks of being one of three and my little guy happens to be one of three boys. So we changed the riddle just a bit to fit him. 154 155

This is my picture of the four elements. The older boys were joking, wondering where the people were. They thought that fire needed to be watched over so it didn't go out of control. : )


Lisa said...


dongdong said...

That is soooo good!! Can you provide the link to the warldorf math book? We use Enki currently, and they do similar stuff, but I hunt math books. :)

Jane said...

The link to the Math book is the first site listed in my list of Sites that inspire. It a great book in explaning waldorf math. : )

Jane said...

When you get to the site click on their store and it will be under Math on the left hand side. : )

FrontierDreams said...


Tan Family said...

What a beautiful idea! We love using her math book, too. Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I just had to drop by and say hi. I homeschool my 9 children, with TJED, waldorf and I'm LDS. There can't be to many of us in this catagory, can there? How fun to find like minded people! Are you on face book or great reads? Love to connect with you!