Thursday, September 10, 2009

Our First Grade Adventure

Here is an insight into what our first grade day is looking like so far.  : )  After Breakfast we spend some time getting our beds made and getting dressed for that day.  Then we gather together in the living room to have our Devotional time-circle  time.  Circle time for the younger children we are learning the Morning Verse:
The Sun with loving Light
Makes bright for me each day.
The soul with Spirit Power,
Gives Strength unto my limbs.
In Sunlight Shining clear,
I reverence O God,
The strength of human kind
Which Thou so graciously

Hast planted in my Soul,
That I, with all my might
May love to work and learn.
From Thee comes Light and Strength
To Thee rise Love and Thanks.
              By Rudolf Steiner
I also share with them an autumn poem after we have worked on reciting together or morning verse.  Then my first grader and I head to another room were we read together our story for the day.  This week we read Mt. Simeli together for our study of the letter M.
I drew this  to share with him while we read our story together then he drew his picture after the story.  I also then have him write the letter we are working on.  The next day after our story I have him tell me about the story we read the day before and then have him write a sentence about our story. 015
I also wanted to share with you,  for this story I made him some special blocks to go with our story of Mt. Simeli.
I was inspired by the element stacking blocks you can get at the Waldorf Educational stores.  This is our mountain stacking blocks and it does have a little door in it.  Its hard to tell in the picture though it will pop out.  Loch had fun using it during our story : )  One of my goals for making it was to have Loch help sand it and paint it.  So that is something he can work on after his lessons are over.
After we read together, and Loch has done his writing we go out for a walk around the block.  This has been so wonderful for him.  He is a really active boy and it is really hard for him to stay focused for long periods of time.  So getting out and having some fresh air and exercise has  been very helpful.  Im  trying to teach him out to jump rope, I think next week will try hopscotch.  I also have the book active math that Im going to try out with him.
After we have spent time outside we come in and work on math. We are using a mix of A Journey Through Waldorf Math and Knights of Knowledge Math program.    After he has done his lessons he is free to go and play independently or with his little sister while I work with the other children.  That is pretty much how his day is looking so far.


Christine said...

Sounds like a good day of first grade!

Kelly said...

Lots of lovely learning there! I really love the stacking blocks you presented to your son to go with the Mt Simeli story.

Tammy said...

What a lovely blog you have!

Thank you for sharing your planning pages with us. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane,
thank you so much for posting about your day with your first grader. I too have a firstgrader and we just barely started homeschooling and Waldorf. you are very inspiring!

Missy (my homeschooling blog)

Anonymous said...

I love the mountain blocks you made to tell with your story. We will be doing 4th grade next year and look forward to how your year unfolds.

Have a blessed day.